Status: Phase 3
Entry Type: Small molecule
Molecule Category: UKNOWN


Smile Cc1ccc(F)c(NC(=O)Nc2ccc(-c3cccc4[nH]nc(N)c34)cc2)c1

Physicochemical Descriptors

Property Name Value
Molecular Formula C21H18FN5O
Molecular Weight 375.41
AlogP 4.9
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor 3.0
Hydrogen Bond Donor 4.0
Number of Rotational Bond 3.0
Polar Surface Area 95.83
Molecular species NEUTRAL
Aromatic Rings 4.0
Heavy Atoms 28.0


Action Mechanism of Action Reference
INHIBITOR Macrophage colony stimulating factor receptor inhibitor PubMed PubMed
Targets EC50(nM) IC50(nM) Kd(nM) Ki(nM) Inhibition(%)
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase AKT family
- 50000 - - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase DMPK family AGC protein kinase GEK subfamily
- - 8300 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase DMPK family AGC protein kinase ROCK subfamily
- - 630 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase NDR family
- - 1700-1700 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase PKA family
- - 6900-6900 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase RSK family AGC protein kinase MSK subfamily
- - 1200-1200 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase RSK family AGC protein kinase p70 subfamily
- - 2800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase SGK family
- - 1900 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase AGC protein kinase group AGC protein kinase YANK family
- - 270-270 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CAMK protein kinase group CAMK protein kinase MAPKAPK family CAMK protein kinase MNK subfamily
- - 270-270 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CAMK protein kinase group CAMK protein kinase MLCK family
- - 2800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CAMK protein kinase group CAMK protein kinase RSKb family CAMK protein kinase MSKb subfamily
- - 1200-1200 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CAMK protein kinase group CAMK protein kinase unique family
- - 3800-3800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CDK family CMGC protein kinase CDC2 subfamily
- 9800 - - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CDK family CMGC protein kinase CDK7 subfamily
- - 2900-2900 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CDK family CMGC protein kinase CDK8 subfamily
- 14-5170 74-74 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CDK family CMGC protein kinase CDK9 subfamily
- - 3000-3000 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CDK family CMGC protein kinase PITSLRE subfamily
- - 1200-1200 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CDK family CMGC protein kinase TAIRE subfamily
- - 2800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase CLK family
- - 1600-1600 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase DYRK family CMGC protein kinase HIPK subfamily
- - 2300 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase MAPK family CMGC protein kinase JNK subfamily
- - 240-240 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase MAPK family CMGC protein kinase p38 subfamily
- - 2000 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase CMGC protein kinase group CMGC protein kinase MAPK family
- - 240-240 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase Other protein kinase group Other protein kinase AUR family
- 760-760 1600-1600 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase Other protein kinase group Other protein kinase NAK family
- - 2300 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase Other protein kinase group Other protein kinase PLK family
- - 8500-8500 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE11 family
- - 250 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase KHS subfamily
- - 3200-3200 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase MSN subfamily
- - 2800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase MST subfamily
- - 1400-1400 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase NinaC subfamily
- - 3200 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase SLK subfamily
- - 450-450 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase TAO subfamily
- - 260 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE20 family STE protein kinase YSK subfamily
- - 8300 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase STE protein kinase group STE protein kinase STE7 family
- - 1200 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TKL protein kinase group TKL protein kinase LISK family TKL protein kinase LIMK subfamily
- - 4700-4700 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TKL protein kinase group TKL protein kinase RIPK family
- - 2800-2800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TKL protein kinase group TKL protein kinase STKR family TKL protein kinase STKR Type 1 subfamily
- - 1600-1600 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TKL protein kinase group TKL protein kinase STKR family TKL protein kinase STKR Type 2 subfamily
- - 7800-7800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Abl family
- - 1700-4400 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Alk family
- - 550-550 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Axl family
- - 340-340 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase DDR family
- - 3800-3800 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase EGFR family
- - 6500-6500 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Eph family
- - 1400-1400 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase FGFR family
- 12500 - - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase InsR family
- - 3900-3900 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Met family
- - 690-2600 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Musk family
- - 10-10 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase PDGFR family
- 4-20 2-1100 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Ret family
- 1900 54-970 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Src family
- 50000 400-400 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Tie family
- 170 110-110 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase Trk family
- - 1100-1100 - -
Enzyme Kinase Protein Kinase TK protein kinase group Tyrosine protein kinase VEGFR family
- 2-250 16-16 - -
- 2-250 2-1100 - -
Membrane receptor Frizzled family G protein-coupled receptor Smoothened receptor (frizzled family GPCR)
- - - 88 -
Membrane receptor
- - 33 88 -


Mesh Heading Maximum Phase Mesh ID Reference
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular 3 D006528 ClinicalTrials
Carcinoma, Renal Cell 2 D002292 ClinicalTrials
Breast Neoplasms 2 D001943 ClinicalTrials
Colonic Neoplasms 2 D003110 ClinicalTrials
Macular Degeneration 2 D008268 ClinicalTrials
Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung 2 D002289 ClinicalTrials
Colorectal Neoplasms 2 D015179 ClinicalTrials
Rectal Neoplasms 2 D012004 ClinicalTrials
Neoplasms 1 D009369 ClinicalTrials
Endometriosis 1 D004715 ClinicalTrials

Related Entries


Cross References

Resources Reference
ChEBI 91435
EPA CompTox DTXSID40229834
Guide to Pharmacology 5657
ZINC ZINC000006718813